
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 – My year as it relates to the quality of film

While working on my Top 10 Movies of 2013 list, I mentioned how interesting the year in film was in terms of quality, how the first two thirds was mostly very, very weak, with the summer delivering a seemingly endless stream of disappointments, and only a fair few bright spots here and there. It got to a point where I was just about ready to give up on this year being able to deliver the goods at the theater, but then as summer came to an end, the quality of movies as a whole took a stark and sudden shift for the better, and my feelings on the year in film changed accordingly. And as I thought about that, I couldn't help but notice how that tonal shift in quality pretty much mirrors the past year for me in my personal life as well.

Like the movies, the first part of this year was pretty rough. In one fell swoop, I lost my job and my health insurance, and struggled with finances as I experienced first hand just how terrible the economy had become in my desperate search for new work. And all the while I dealt with a world of personal problems, including probably the worst and longest lasting bout of depression I've lived through. But then, after a certain point, right around the tail end of the summer, things started to shift a little more in my favor.

For one thing, I kind of took a step back and assessed a lot of the various stressors in my life, and pretty much completely restructured my entire social life accordingly. And as a result of these changes, for the first time in a long, long time, I actually feel okay. I haven't had a fit of depression or attack of anxiety since, and while things may not be exactly perfect, overall, I feel fine. And, quite frankly, fine works for me. I'm really okay with fine right now.

And right around the time that this restructuring of mine was beginning to take place, and after a longer search than I ever would have expected, I finally wound up finding a job at the new Whole Foods that opened up in town (where our old indie movie theater used to be, in fact).

It may not be the best job in the world, but it's still pretty decent. I work with some pretty cool people for the most part, and even cooler managers, who really listen and go out of their way to make a schedule that best works around my life. And as a result, I work a relatively stress free job that's not a soul-sucking experience, leaving me with plenty of energy to work on my creative endeavors afterwards. And speaking of those creative endeavors, I actually accomplished quite a bit this year.

Another life long dream of mine came to life this year with the release of my first comic book. Along with my artist, Trevor Tee, we've released the first batch of chapters for the comic book adaptation of Velcro: The Ninja Kat online (check 'em out for yourself here). And after overcoming a few setbacks, we're ready to start releasing new chapters again soon enough.

And in other Ninja Kat news, just this month I finished writing the sequel to the novel, Velcro: The Green Lion, which will be ready for release early next year, so I'm really excited for that!

I also had quite the experience touring around a bit, selling my books at conventions and such throughout the state.

I met a lot of interesting people in my travels, and made quite a few new fans and friends in the process as well, which was a really cool deal, and something I'd love to continue to do in the coming year.

And I also ended up meeting a group of fellow aspiring film makers, and we've been busy working on a number of projects, which will hopefully be coming to fruition sooner rather than later. I've really felt like I've been a bit stagnant on the movie making front after I finished The Red Scarf last year, but finally working behind the camera again really served as a reminder of just how much love and passion I have for film, and how, more than any other creative aspiration, this is really what I want to do in life. And we've got a number of scripts we're working on right now, so I can't wait to get rolling with that!

So yeah, that's kinda been my year in a nutshell. Like the movies, it didn't start off so swell. But, also like my movie going experience, it ended up turning around and being a pretty decent year in the end. And now, as the year fades to black and the credits get ready to roll, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who was there for me and put up with me over the course of the past year, because for a while there, things really weren't easy at all. But more than anything, I need to thank my Mom for all of the help and support that she's provided through my rougher times, and continues to provide to this day. I really don't know how I would've made it through the year without her, so, thank you, Mom!

And here's to an even better next year!


  1. Nice read, Chris. I'm glad things are looking up for you. If your travels ever bring you out to the Bay Area, let me know.

    On another note, I'm right there with you as far as many of the hyped-up, summer films I've been looking forward to really disappointed me, where I found the late year offerings to be really great.

    1. Thanks, Erik! And will do, should I find myself out that way. B)

      As for summer movies, this year may have been a bust, but hopefully next summer's big hits will really deliver the goods. I suppose we'll see, though!

  2. Glad to hear the year ended up being good for you Chris! WOW, you are one multi-talented dude, you're an author AND filmmaker (as well as blogger of course), that's VERY cool! Best of luck in all your endeavors in 2014... and beyond!

    – ruth

  3. Happy New Year to you, Chris! I can't wait to read Velcro: the Green Lion.

    1. Happy New Year to you as well, Dao! And I can't wait for you to read it, either! XD

      (Also, still waiting for your book. ;) )

    2. With work and well, more work, I haven't been able to edit my book to my liking. But I have a few short stories I can put together, though. You may want to look out for that :D

    3. Oh you bet, I certainly WILL be on the lookout. ;)

  4. What a year, for you! Glad things turned around for you and ... wow! Your own comic - incredible stuff :D

    I was beginning to wonder whether it was just me and the movies last year. There was something distinctly "meh" with them for the majority of the year. Shame really.

    Hope 2014's kicking off for you perfectly :)

    1. Thanks, Jaina! Yeah, there was a point in time last year where I was wondering if I was just becoming overly cynical about movies, but seeing so many other people share my reactions towards the quality in film last year was a nice reassurance that it wasn't just me, hehe.

      But yeah, last year ended up pretty well, and as for 2014, well, so far so good at least, lol! And hopefully the year brings good fortune for you as well. :)

  5. I did a similar post to my 2013 too. I hope this coming year is good to you and you find happiness in what you try to do. Keep on blogging.

    1. Thank you, and I hope the same to you as well! :)

  6. Congrats! It feels awesome to have your creative art bound, doesn't it? I agree 2013 in films was pretty bland. Thank God there's art coming out of Independent films. Hollywood seems sufficated with blockbusters that just don't cut it anymore.

    1. Thanks, Cindy, it is pretty awesome! XD
      And yeah, this years' blockbusters really just felt so by the books it was painful. Something needs to happen to rekindle the fire and make them truly something worth paying up to see again. Even in a sea of reboots, our blockbusters need a full on reboot, lol. :P
