
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Actors you will see ANY movie they're in

In my Chloe Moretz post, I mentioned how she's become an actor who I will see any movie with her in it. And it got me thinking what other actors I also felt this way towards, and these are the names that I came up with. Now, just because I say I'd see any movie they're in doesn't mean that I've actually gotten around to every movie they're in just yet. But I do always tend to make a point to see their films, and I'm always excited for any upcoming releases that I see their names attached to, even if solely for them. I'm counting only currently working actors here, and put together four more names in addition to Ms. Moretz, who would've rounded things out to make a Top 5. So then, without further ado and in no particular order...

Emma Watson

I'm not even that big a Harry Potter fan, and she hasn't done much outside of those movies just yet. In fact, I pretty much ignored the Potter movies for the most part until The Half-Blood Prince, which is really when I took notice of her as an actor. And since then, Emma Watson has quickly become one of my favorites. While she's never necessarily wowed me with anything she's done, she's never given a bad performance, either, and is usually the highlight of any movie she's in. Hell, she's also the only actor on this list where not only have I enjoyed her in everything, but I've also ended up liking every single movie of hers so far as well. The fact that she's also just about the most gorgeous actress alive today is also a nice bonus, but believe me when I say that her looks have little to do with her placement on my list compared with her talents as an actor (there are plenty of hot actors whose movies I won't watch). And yet, as I say that, I of course follow this entry up with...

Michael Fassbender

Yeah, that's right, another beautiful actor who'll make you melt in your seat (though I swear this list won't only consist of the same people from the list!). But in addition to being one of the hottest actors today, Michael Fassbender is also one of the most brilliant, and, like I said about Chloe Moretz, it's truly only a matter of time before he's wielding Oscar gold. He just has such a commanding presence in everything he's in, and one that manages to lure me out to all of his movies. And while I don't always end up being a fan of some of those movies (such as Prometheus or A Dangerous Method), I am always a fan of his outstanding performances in said movies, and continue to make my way to the theater just to see him, no matter how little the rest of the movie may interest me (The Counselor).

Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg is probably the first actor who I started seeing anything and everything they starred in, and it all started with The Big Hit. After that, I've been a big fan of his ever since. Though I do have to admit that his spot on my list has been slipping a bit in recent years, with me skipping a few of his movies due to him being counter-acted by another actor who I have a particular disdain for, such as The Other Guys (I am not a Will Ferrell guy), and earlier this year I skipped out on Pain & Gain in theaters, due to my ever increasing annoyance with co-star The Rock at the time. I did eventually see it after its theatrical run, though, and found it to be a surprisingly great movie, with one of Wahlberg's best performances to date (not to mention The Rock, who honestly did give the best performance of his career so far in that film). And that's the thing about Wahlberg, similar to Fassbender, while I may not always necessarily care about the movies he's in, I'm almost always interested in his contribution to those movies nonetheless. Whether it's a performance as awesomely bad as in The Happening, or a scene stealer like in The Departed, Wahlberg's always an interesting addition to any film, and one who always automatically sparks my own interest.

Nic Cage

The man himself. I don't care how crappy some of his movies may get, I'm almost always up for a Nic Cage flick. This guy is just a blast to watch, and has the ability to elevate even the worst of material. He just loves his job so much, and it shows on the screen, 'cause he's always making the best of and having fun with his roles, which makes the viewing experience so much more fun to watch. He's gotten a bit of a bad rap for some of his movie choices in recent years, but he hasn't lost me as a fan. I still think he's an incredible actor, quite possibly among the absolute greatest of this generation, with the ability to naturally pull off anything from deadly serious to maniacally campy, and everything in-between. Now I can't say that I've even begun to see his entire repertoire of films, especially since for a period of time he was starring in just about every other movie that was coming out. But I do try and make a point to make it out to as many of his movies as I can, because if nothing else, his on-screen antics ensure that I'll be in for a good time.

So there you have it then, my list of actors who I am willing to see any movie they happen to be in. And now I turn to you all to add your contribution and voice your opinions on who some of your own go-to actors are.


  1. Interesting list here Chris! I can see about Fassbender and to a degree Nic Cage, though to be honest I have no interest in seeing some of his recent movies after the abominable Ghost Rider!! I don't know who my picks would be as there haven't been an actor who I am willing to see any movie they happen to be in. Even when I was still crazy for Gerry Butler, I still refuse to see Gamer and was VERY reluctant to see The Ugly Truth if it weren't for my friend renting it.

    – ruth

    1. Yeah, Gerard Butler does have a few peculiar choice of flicks he's been in. But as for Ghost Rider, I am curious, did you happen to give the second one a chance? I wasn't a fan of the first one myself, but I loved Spirit of Vengeance, and Nic Cage was at his absolute most maniacal in that one.

      Thanks for the comment, Ruth. :)

  2. I would look at Emma Watson anytime! Without much thought, I would include Jonah Hill, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Steve Carell in my list. Maybe throw in Will Smith. Although I do love The Fighter and The Other Guys, I don't care for Mark Wahlberg. He is so boring and rarely does much actual acting, in my opinion. Other than that, good list!

    1. Thanks, Tanner! JGL was actually a VERY close pick for me as well, and I did consider Will Smith, too. Jonah Hill's certainly an interesting one, though now that I think about it, he does have a pretty solid track record himself, doesn't he? Nice choices you got there. :)

  3. Mine are Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Morgan Freeman can read the phone book on camera and I'll watch that "movie", too :D

    1. How did I know you were gonna name Morgan Freeman, lol. :P Not a bad choice by any means, though. He IS the voice of god, after all! XD Nice picks, Dao. :)

  4. With you on Marky Mark! He's either in utter garbage, or shockingly good roles.

    Think Joseph Gordon Levitt is on my list. I watched GI Joe for that guy. Angelina Jolie. Leonardo DiCaprio (Though, he's not done that much crap stuff really.).

    1. Thanks for the comment, Jaina. :) Yeah, I was hoping for JGL to do a reprisal in the new GI Joe, but alas. And Leo's a real good pick, too, and just maybe one day, ONE DAY, he'll finally get that Oscar. Wolf of Wall Street, maybe? ;)

  5. I will watch just about anything with Brad Pitt or Bill Murray in it. O and I do the same thing with directors as well. Good topic Chris

    1. Yeah, I do the same with directors as well, but going into a movie due to a particular director is a bit different from going into one for a specific actor, since you tend to have a better idea what you're getting into as a whole. Brad Pitt seems to be a popular choice, and for good reason. Also nice pick with Bill Murray. :)

  6. Nice list, Chris. Mine tends to rotate every few years, but it usually contains at least one actor with three names (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Philip Seymour Hoffman, or Daniel Day-Lewis).

    I'm with you on Emma Watson. I like some of the roles she's taken post-Potter and see bigger things for her down the road. I used to not be that big of a fan of Wahlberg, but in recent years I've come around and really enjoyed him in movies like Pain & Gain.

    1. Ooh, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Daniel Day-Lewis, two more really good ones. Nice!

      Yeah, Emma Watson really is pretty great, isn't she? And she has a knack for picking out some good roles so far, too, so she's definitely got a decent career ahead of her I believe. Also glad to hear that you've warmed up to Marky Mark as well, lol. Thanks for the comment, Erik. :)

  7. Gotta agree on Fassbender Chris, what a phenomenal actor. Another of mine would be Philip Seymour Hoffman.

    1. Yeah, Philip Seymour Hoffman was actually one who slipped my mind, but is certainly a great choice. Don't think I've seen a single role of his that I haven't liked yet. Also, glad we agree on Fassbender! Thanks for the comment, Mark! :)

  8. Great list! Not really growing up with Harry Potter films, and kinda getting obsessed with it towards the last film release, Emma Watson is definitely one of my favorites. She is growing as an actress, and while everyone has their eyes on Jennifer Lawrence, I feel like she is really relateable and personable. She's someone to watch!
    Also, Michael Fassbender and Nic Cage - can't get enough of them!

    1. Thanks Katy, and definitely agree with you on Emma Watson. I mean, I think Jennifer Lawrence is a fine talent as well, but Emma's definitely one to watch out for. Also happy to hear we share the same feelings towards Fassbender and Cage! XD

  9. Totally agree with Marky Mark, although probably for very different reasons than you... great idea for a post too btw!

    1. Thanks Katharine! And I'm glad we agree on Marky Mark, though I'd like to hear what your reasons happen to be (or is it that obvious, lol? ;) ).

  10. Great idea for a post! New to your blog and have seen great reviews on films. I agree with you on Emma Watson, have seen her grow out of HP films to a more adult and still talented young lady, and yes shes beautiful. I never thought id recognise or say this, but I've been admiring Dicaprio's talent alot, he's also come very far from the young boy in Romeo and Juliet. Hes roles in various movies aren always amazing in my eyes anyway. and recently in Django.

    1. Hey, thanks for dropping by! :) And yeah, Dicaprio's definitely a great pick, too, and has grown to be quite the talented go-to actor with a solid track record of good movies to his credit. Certainly can't go wrong with him, and it is kinda funny to think back to how he used to be little more than just the latest teeny bopper all the girls went gaga for, lol.

  11. Pretty terrific list man! I'd add in Sam Rockwell and Leo DiCaprio but otherwise this is almost spot on.

    1. Thanks, Whit! Yeah, Leo's another good choice, and nice pick with Sam Rockwell. Another one who completely slipped my mind, yet has a pretty damn good track record on him. :)

  12. Great picks! Here are some of mine

    - Natalie Portman
    - Philip Seymour Hoffman
    - Joaquin Phoenix
    - Susan Sarandon

    As for Emma Watson, she's making a lot of good career decisions. I'm looking forward to her performance in Noah.

    1. Oh yeah, definitely looking forward to that one! As for your picks, great choices there. I've already spoken on Hoffman above, but I'm actually a bit surprised no one's mentioned Joaquin Phoenix before now, but he really is another great pick (and those two were especially great together in The Master last year!).

  13. Great list Chris! Completely agree with Emma Watson, I haven't seen a performance by her that I haven't loved yet. Mark Wahlberg is growing on me but Nicholas Cage just irritates me and I could't even tell you why!
    - Allie

    1. Thanks, Allie! Yeah, Cage is admittedly the most polarizing pick here, which I can understand, but I always get a good kick out of his schtick. But Emma sure is great, isn't she? And yeah, stick with Wahlberg, that guy has a tendency to really surprise in some of his movies. :)
