
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cat(s) of the Day: Mama Cat and her Kittens

It's been a while, but finally, it's the long awaited return of Cat of the Day! And today's an extra special day because we've got not just one but five cats being celebrated on this day!

We took in the stray pregnant Mama Cat a little while back, and she gave birth to her litter of kittens about a month ago. But now, a month later, her kittens are up and about and getting into all kinds of trouble. Anytime I first step into their room, they can almost certainly be found piled up in their little corner napping.

However, once they see that they've got company, they're ready to spring out of bed and greet their human friends with youthful glee. So now let's take a moment to meet each of these as of yet unnamed kittens. First up is the Velcro Colored Kitten.

And her coat of fur isn't the only thing this kitten shares with the original Velcro, this one also knows how to put its claws to good use and climb all over you. And on that note, next up we've got the Charlie Colored Kitten.

And also like the original Charlie and Velcro, these two have a tendency to find themselves at odds with one another.

The Token Orange Kitten of the litter is next, who also happens to be the cry baby of the bunch, poor guy.

And last but not least is the Crazy Haired Kitten.

This one certainly sticks out the most, and is probably the most outgoing, always the first to rush up and greet me whenever I come in to see them.

So there you have it then, and let's hear it for these awesome new members of the cat society who've got their whole nine lives ahead of them. And also for the Mama Cat, who has done a wonderful job at taking care of her kittens and watching over them, and is due for some good R & R.

Good job, Mom!


  1. OMGosh they are all cuties! The Mom's last picture though looks like she wasn't very

    1. Nah, she's just especially tired. Those kittens have just about sucked the life out of the poor thing. :P

  2. Kitten pictures. What, am I reading Reddit?

    Crazy Haired Kitten looks like he's having a short mohawk. Are you going to keep them all?

    1. Nope, this ain't Reddit, it's Cat of the Day! :P And as for whether or not we're gonna keep them all, well, I'm actually not entirely sure just yet, but we'll see I guess!

  3. Chris that reminds me of growing up at my mom's house. At one point after a litter we had a total of 13 cats. Of course that was back when cats went outside. Here in So Cal we keep our 3 inside so they don't become coyote food. Great pics.

    1. Yeah, all our cats are currently inside cats as well. We've run into a few too many bad incidents from letting our cats outside. Though luckily, the ones we have now don't really mind being indoors only, so that's good at least. :)
